Thursday, 22 January 2009

Now I don’t lightly use words like forever, but I will love you ‘til the end of today...

...and in the morning when I remember everything that you are,
well I know I’ll fall for you over again.

So so so so so so so so so so so very busy!

The pace of my life these days is breakneck but I bloody love it, I tell thee!
So what's going on?
Well the big news is that my very beautiful & wonderful girlfriend N is moving in with me.
I seriously could not be happier, I am so in awe of how amazing she makes me feel. I cant wait to wake up to her every day. And the best thing is that she feels exactly the same. Bliss, joy, euphoria, etc etc ...

Then next week it's my (gulp) 39th birthday. N is taking me away somewhere for a few days. I don't have a clue where. All I know is that I need my passport. Works for me!

Then there are things afoot at work. One has to be careful of these sort of things so I'll spare the details but there is a very real possibility (maybe even probability) that I will shortly become the deputy manager of the children's home I work in. Or at least Acting Deputy Manager until I've finished the qualification I need. (Which, once I invest some serious time & effort on it, shouldn't take very long).

Oh my life is so very peachy & I'm so excited about how it could all get even better.
My biggest problem is that I can't fit the whole lyrical title for this post in it's proper place. And if that is the extent of my woes then I appear to be a very lucky man indeed.
*dances off into the distance*


  1. Congratulations on so many wonderful things happening in your life! A good man like you deserves good things.

  2. I am late, late, late to this. Happy belated birthday, lovely, and hope the co-habitation is going brilliantly.

  3. Where did you go on your trip??? How has it been living with N?

    miss you!


  4. I found you!
    I lost the addy of here and for the life of me couldnt remember what it was apart from the orange bit.
    Never leave me again...

    Now sort yer life out and give me an update, I'm so disappointed that Leeds are above us in the table. Should really update my link!
