Saturday, 29 November 2008

Though we may be the last in the world, we feel like pioneers


This is a new blog but I am hardly new to this. I traded under a different name for quite some time but in many ways, the character that composed that blog has died. Not literally of course. My former incarnation has pretty much ceased to be relevant in my current life, which has undergone some major changes since my previous blogging days. 
It's almost like I'm brand new!

So who am I & what am I about?
Well, I'm a late 30something bloke who loves life & the unpredictability of it all. I've come to relish the here & now having learned that absolutely nothing can be done about the past & very little, no matter how hard one may try, can seriously affect the future.
And I like to share, hence the need to re-immerse myself in Blogland.

Right now, I am as happy as I have ever been in life. And it's not like I've had a dull life with limited happiness before now. Oh no, I've certainly lived a bit & have many a tale to tell. And I've tasted extreme happiness many times but never quite as much as I do now.

There are, of course, some reasons for my current state of joy.
One of these is my constant; my 9 year old son T who is the apple of my eye & is a constant source of pleasure to me as I watch him grow & develop.  Though long estranged from his mother (thank crikey for that!) I see him an awful lot & consider myself to be a bloody good dad.
He certainly seems to think so.

Secondly, there is my work. For far too many years work was something that I had to do so as to earn a wage. I'd occasionally have good times (such as 3 months in France) & I met many a friend through it but more often than not it was dull, monotonous & plodding. 
Then some 18 months ago I took voluntary redundancy (too tempting after 12 years service) & found a career. I now work in a children's home for (mostly) teenagers with "challenging behaviour".I now actually look forward to going to work. Whereas my previous job was all about routine & was utterly predictable, now I quite literally have no idea what each day will bring. Sometimes I can be spending the day at Alton Towers going on all the rides with one of the kids & thinking "Wow, I'm actually getting paid to do this" or some days I will be called all the names under the sun, be physically attacked & covered in BBQ sauce. I also have found that I'm actually very good at what I do & have already been promoted in the relatively short time I've been doing the job. It's incredibly difficult to describe in a few short words what I get from this job but it has indeed changed my life. And on top of all that, on a snowy day in March, N walked into my life.

N was, for quite a while, my friend. We worked together & got to know each other & bonded over several cigarettes. Now N is my world. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I can often be found silently awestruck as I try to figure out what I ever did that was so good that I could possibly deserve her. I have been "around the block" a bit, I have been in love before & I have felt joy. I have also had some absolutely fantastic sex in the past as well. Now though, as a song I will shortly write will attest, all those experiences seem average, at best. That's not to detract from all those who have gone before, it's just to illustrate just how insanely blissful I am these days. N is funny, smart, thrilling & more in tune with me than I ever thought it possible to be. And she loves me with the same ferocious passion that I feel for her. There is no imbalance. Sexually, we connect in a way that defies all my prior knowledge of sex. I believe we may have actually discovered a whole new kind of pleasure, we are pioneers.
It's all so very beautiful.
That N is stunningly gorgeous, 15 years my junior & in possession of a body to kill for, is a bonus of gargantuan proportions. Yet a bonus nonetheless. I would still adore her if she were average looking, 15 years my senior & not hot-bodied. She is my everything. I love her more than life itself.
And right now, I bloody love my life.

So I have returned to Blogland to share my joy & in time I'm sure I will share normal everyday stuff too. I have no pre-concieved ideas about how often I'll post or what I'll blog about, but I'm here and if you'd like to see how it all turns out, then you are most welcome to join me.